Mar 4, 2014

More Bird Info:
If you watched the video and want to do more for your birds the ideas below will give you a good start.
                                                                     Photo by Peter Christoph
Provide shelter: Birds like and need cover near feeders, plant evergreen trees, shrubs and tall grasses around the area. Even punching a hole in the ground with a bar and inserting tall cut brush works well.
Plants shrubs, perennials and annuals: Plant varieties that set seeds and berries to attract many types of birds to your yard.
Provide water:  Place more than one Birdbath in your yard for drinking and bathing. If possible use a birdbath heater in the winter.
Do a four-season habitat: Once you attract birds, make an effort to keep them with you by providing food, shelter and water year-round, even in warm weather.
No Poisons: Keep to organic pest control as much as possible. A large bird population will help you with bug control.
Keep track: Get a bird book and a wall chart (Audubon store or online) to know what birds are visiting your yard.
Research: There are hundreds of web sites on line to learn more about birds and their needs and habits

This may be the most fun family activity ever.

Mar 3, 2014

I'm back...

 I started this blog with the idea of posting photos, videos and making comments on various subjects that interested me and others, I hope.
At times some folks may take issue with my opinions but I am a free American (so far) and the first amendment is our only voice.

Having said that, most of my post will be of general today's is.

Winter bird feeding is probably the most rewarding outdoor garden chore you can do. We get our Sunflower Chips at Ericksons feed store in Acton, MA. Suet at Hannafords or most supermarkets.